What is a sound bath?
Sound bathing is the practice of relaxing while an ocean of sound waves is created with a gong, Tibetan singing boles or other instruments. The gong has been used as a healing instrument for centuries. Sources describe the use of the gong as far back as 16000 B.C.
During the sound bath you are comfortably laying down on a yoga or meditation mat. You can cover yours...
During the sound bath you are comfortably laying down on a yoga or meditation mat. You can cover yourself with a blanket, use pillows for support and cover your eyes if you like. Some gentle stretches before the sound bath can help you to relax. The sounds have a very relaxing effect on the nervous system, body and mind, leaving you feeling deeply relaxed and revitalised like after a long massage.
In the Kundalini yoga tradition, the gong is often used at the end of a yoga session or right after a meditation to deepen the effects.
Sound travelling through water
A sound bath is based on the understanding that we consist of energy and all our cells vibrate at a certain frequency. When our body is healthy and we have a positive mind set, this frequency differs from when we feel stressed and overwhelmed.
Sound can travel through water. Our body consists for 60% or more of water, which allows the sound vibrations to enter our cells, release blocked energy and, in this way, bring emotional and physical harmony. The effect is an improvement in overall health and wellness.
Your body and brain in a sound bath
The sounds from the gong impact the phase of your breath and heart rate, and help you to reach an alpha brainwave state. Our brain is in an alpha brainwaves state when we are create and deeply relaxed. After that a theta brainwave state follows. This state is associated with deep meditation, hypnosis and REM sleep. This is why you can have vivid dreams during a gong bath. Another option is that old emotions come up, so blocked energy can be released. This process can be a little bit uncomfortable, but as long as you stay with your breath, you are fine.